Digimon Card Game Octgn
Digivoluve effect security effect security all of your opponent s digimon get this digimon checks 1 fewer security card for the turn.
Digimon card game octgn. What i am trying to achieve. Digimon battle evolution is a digimon card game for two players made by me. 3 go in the games manager pannel and search for the plugin called digimon tcg 2020 then click on install. 6 you re done.
Ok tuh gon is a virtual table top with an integrated player lobby and chat system that supports custom card and board games. Play a deck containing any of eight types of digimon or mix and match. Will update with cards as they are revealed and translated. 1 download octgn here.
Encounter and tame digital monsters as you go on an epic digimon adventure. Digital card battles with several changed and updated rules many altered cards plus new cards and completely new game features and concepts pick a powerful partner digimon that easily evolves. 4 dowload the image pack here. Join or host a game outside of a hobby shop.
Allows you to connect to other players around the world. Enter the digital world and explore new lands. Sleek fast database. This spring 2020 comes the all new digimon card game.
5 on octgn click on add image packs and choose the file you just download. Cardgamon team is glad to welcome you to our news and deckbuilding site about the upcoming tcg digimon card game dcg. You can found everything. Digivolve and raise your digimon to be the strongest and aim for victory.
Effect main 1 of your opponent s digimon gets this digimon checks 3 fewer security cards until the end of your opponent s next turn. You will find further information on this trading card game and also a deckbuilding tool if you take a look around. Clean understandable layout. In this quick video i ll present you how to install and play with my plugin on octgn.
Currently for the new 2020 game but i plan on full backwards support for all the digimon tcgs. Hello folks i m cédric bobenrieth the developper of the digimon plugin for octgn. A port of the new digimon card game with all currently known translated cards. Features all currently revealed and translated cards gaia red 16 16 cocytus blue 16 16 heaven s yellow 16 16 promos 12 12 new evolution 115 115 ultimate power 61 112.
This is the very very very early stage of a digimon card database i am working on.